
Candidiasis is a fungal infection usually caused by the yeast Candida albicans, it may lead to vaginitis. The yeasts can be commonly found in women of child-bearing age, or in the genitalia of men. Unless the amount of Candida in the body is enormous, it is not harmful. 

Spread of infection

Non-sexual contact transmission is possible. The infection can affect sex organs and other part of body.

Who are susceptible to a Candida infection?

  • Pregnant people
  • Patients taking anti-biotics
  • Diabetes and AIDS patients
  • Those with weak immune system due to illness


Most of the infected women may show unnoticeable symptoms. Some may have the following symptoms:

  • Itching around the vagina, vaginitis, pain, abnormal cottage cheese-like discharge
  • Very painful tears or cracks in severe cases